Soul Fatigue

Soul Fatigue

Enthusiasm is different from passion. Enthusiasm is inspiration without any roots. Passion isn't a giddy, excitable feeling. It dwells deep within and has been present from the time we are very young.  When you've touched your passion there is joy. Passion guides your desires like an internal compass.  When you hear, see or do something that resonates with you and gives you sponteneous joy, you've made the primal connection.  You can face challenges, unafraid, trusting yourself to move forward and be your passion..

Once in awhile, someone will tell me they have no passion or any desire to be extraordinary. They tend to be extreme people pleasers, cut off from their emotional life, disconnected from their bodies, avoiding emotional and physical pain as much as possible, exhausted from spending most of their lives and energy taking care of everyone else's needs. They long for something missing in their lives but have no idea what it is.  I call this passionless condition Soul Fatigue.

The Cure for Soul Fatigue

CureLife can be exhausting. Recovery from physical fatigue happens easily. Soul fatigue is like being in quick sand.  The more you struggle the deeper you sink. This mental quick sand consists of all the limiting, judgemental, fearful thoughts and stories we've ever had. We've believed them forever. Left unchallenged, these critical thought become our truth.  

Anytime you believe these crtitcal, limiting, fearful thoughts and stories, the  true wisdom you've gained from past experience gets muted.  Your passion for life, your primal connection gets suffocated because you are stuck in the quick sand of your old unresolved pain. You've lost your way.

Try This! Ask yourself what you do, how would you live if you could be absolutely sure that there would always be enough money, love, strength and security for yourself and everyone you cared about?  Write down four words that describe how you feel when you imagine this new kind of freedom.  Now write down four words describing how you usually feel at the end of an ordinary day, like yesterday. Compare the word lists, freedom on one side, and ordinary day on the other.  Are they the opposites of each other?  

(End soul fatigue)

Continued »

Julie Stass PhD, LCSW
7940 West Hidden Lakes Drive
Granite Bay, CA 95746

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